The year following the liberation from Japanese occupation, the town of Ibajay sought to reconstruct its community and bring back social order among its residents. The return to normalcy included the resumption of the school operation.
One man who had a great vision for his beloved town of Ibajay dreamed of putting up an institution for the poor families who could not afford to send their children to private secondary and tertiary schools, because in those times, a government high school was not only a rarity but totally unknown in Ibajay. Such man was the late Dr. Rafael Silva Tumbokon. He endeavoured to establish a secondary school with focus on vocational training to liberate his town mates from the bondage of poverty which resulted from the great devastation of war.
With the help of other concerned Ibayhanon, relatives and friends, Dr. Tumbokon founded the Melchor Memorial Vocational College in honor of one of the town's illustrious sons, the late Col. Alejandro S. Melchor, Sr.. Housed at the ground floor of the residence of his beloved uncle Don Mauro Tumbokon, the school opened its doors in June 1949 to students from first year to fourth year. Graduates from various elementary schools in Ibajay and in nearby towns of Nabas, Tangalan, Makato and Buruanga as well as Pandan and Libertad in Antique were admitted. In its first year of operation, the school had its first batch of graduates.
The school's infancy years were wrought by many controversies. Influential Ibayhanons, some of them in government offices, tried to stop its operation. Various forms of harassments were used to intimidate the school officials from continuously operating the school and to dissuade the teachers, the parents and the students from supporting it. Construction of its first building was stopped; workers were arrested on fancy charges. Many students were forced to transfer to other schools or just quit their studies.
Bent on making the school to fulfil its mission, Dr. Tumbokon did not admit defeat. He fought back and stood firm in his resolve to operate the school of the poor. In 1951, he forced for the school's incorporation with Securities and Exchange Commission as Melchor Memorial School, giving its legal personality.
The school reopened its classrooms during the next school year. Again, many elementary graduates sought admission in the first year while former students who moved to other schools when school operation was suspended returned, bringing with them some classmates and friends.
Like a wounded and valiant soldier, MMS relentlessly pursued its mission of giving the children of the poor the kind of education that they sought for and rightfully deserved. Despite lack of facilities, the school's operation continued incessantly. The number of students seeking enrolment increased. From its original classrooms in the ground floor of the Tumbokon residence, the school constructed a building in a rented lot along the highway, a walking distance from the Poblacion, in order to accommodate its increasing population. The stayed their until the early 1960s after which it moved to another rented site in front of the Ibajay Public Market where it built a two-storey building and a ground floor annex. In 1981, after the heirs of the owner refused to extend the lease of the land, the school had to operate in many houses while the construction of a new building in another rented site was going on.
Born out of controversy, the school again suffered another setback in 1999 when the owner of the lot refused to renew the lease of contract despite the school's paying its rent faithfully. From the meagre savings and a loan from the bank and the help of benevolent supporters, the school administration under the stewardship of the Principal Mr. Josue A. Siņel, constructed an imposing building in Barangay Laguinbanua on a lot which the school had purchased. However, before the new building was completed, the school was given an order to vacate at the end of October 1999. The owner did not agree to the school's administration plea for an extension to avoid disruption of classes. On November 9, 1999, after a suspension of classes for 10 days, the new building was inaugurated and classes resumed.
Now, the school has a permanent home of its own. Never would it be wandering again. Despite the many trials, the past five decades witnessed the blossoming of an educational institution that today is known as one of the best, not only in the province of Aklan but the whole of Western Visayas as well. It is no longer ostracized but is now looked at as a leader. Through hard work, perseverance and impressive performance, MMS has earned the respect of the people in the community.
The Melchor Memorial School, Inc. the school of the poor has gone a long way. It is now grown to be known as a school that offers something better.